Delhi High Court finds man guilty of Contempt for abusing judicial process for personal gain
Justices Pratibha M Singh & Amit Sharma [05-07-2024]

LE Correspondent
New Delhi, July 17, 2024: The Delhi High Court has held a man named Pradeep Aggarwal guilty of criminal contempt of court for abusing the judicial process in an attempt to extract money from the respondents in a writ petition.
Mr. Aggarwal had filed a writ petition in the High Court seeking action against alleged unauthorized construction on certain lands in Burari, Delhi. However, investigation by the police revealed that Mr. Aggarwal had demanded Rs. 50 lakhs from the respondents in order to withdraw the writ petition. Call recordings confirmed these demands.
The high court found that Mr. Aggarwal had filed the petition for personal gain and leverage, showing utter disregard and abuse of the court's process. His conduct was held to be grossly contemptuous as it interfered with the administration of justice and lowered the dignity of the court.
"Such acts not only challenge the authority of the Court but also undermine public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the judicial process," the court observed in its detailed order.
The Division Bench held that contempt law serves to protect the judiciary against acts that disrespect or impede its functioning. Considering the medical condition, age and apology tendered by the contemnor, the court took a lenient view on sentencing. Mr. Aggarwal was ordered to remain in court till its rising for the day and also deposit Rs. 1 lakh with the Delhi High Court Legal Service Committee within a week.
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